{"CSV Converter"}

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Adding A JSON Back To CSV Converter

I started work on my CSV converter that runs on Github Pages back in 2013, while I was working in the federal government. I recently updated the look and feel of it, but I also wanted to simplify if, and add some features in support of my Adopta.Agency project.

I was getting complaints that the tool was too complicated, with all the settings, so I limited to purely a simple CSV to JSON conversion. Then I made another tool that will take any simple JSON file, and convert it back into a CSV file. Of course it will only work on simple JSON files, but it does the job for simple CSV to JSON, and back again.

As a programmer, I want to get everything into JSON, but I understand that there are many data stewards out there who would rather have their data in a CSV, so they can work with in Excel or Google Spreadsheets. It makes sense to be able to go back and forth, as you need to, working with the data in whichever format is more suitable.

I think maybe next, I will add a simple editor, for editing the values of any file uploaded, whether it is JSON or CSV.